What's Happening?
Just released IceMelon IM! If you run an online community of any sort, by just adding 1 line of HTML, you can incorporate a Instant Messaging capability for your members. This service requires no access or integration with your database.
Newly Added Functions!
site_pageranks() – Crawls a website and calculates the Google PageRanks for every webpage within that domain.
array2vars() – Converts an array into a set of variables, where the keys become the variables' names.
google_pagerank() – Calculates the Google PageRank of a specified URL.
readgzfile() –
Newly Added Tutorials!
IceMelon IM: Add IM Functionality to phpBB – Want to add site-wide member IM to your phpBB community? Sure you do. Simple step-by-step instructions inside.
IceMelon IM: Add IM Functionality to vBulletin – Want to add site-wide member IM to your vBulletin community? Simple step-by-step instructions inside.
Crawl Your Site for PageRanks – So you know your site has a PageRank of 8. What about the PRs of all the inner pages? This tutorial will teach how you to automate the process of grabbing all these PRs.
Create CAPTCHA images – Worried about bots? Then create CAPTCHA images to prevent bots from taking advantage of your site.
Convert SHN and FLAC files to MP3 – Low on disk space and have an insensitive ear? Here are some steps to converting SHN and FLAC files to MP3 format.
Create Your Own BBCode – Learn how to parse bulletin board code to translate it into HTML. [b]Come, come.[/b]
Output While Script is Still Running – Learn how to use PHP output buffering functions and have them actually work! Don't make your visitors wait for a long script to process.
5 Easy Ways To Use RSS On Your Site – The title pretty much summarizes it all.
Google Bowling – Google Bowling is a negative term, which refers to a technique that can be used to undermine your competitors by actually linking to their web sites using appropriate anchor text.
Track Google Adsense Clicks – The Google Adsense administration section gives you some superficial stats. Want more detail? You gotta track hits yourself.
iRate!: Rate Your Blogger Entries – Have a Blogger site? This tutorial will teach you how to allow your visitors to rate your entries.
iRate!: Generate Top-Lists – Learn how to use iRate! to generate very customized "top lists." (For more about iRate!, check out the "free services" sections.)